Know Your Ideal Client! (Why You are Hearing this Again & Again)

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If you want to have a successful business, you MUST know your ideal client. You might be thinking, “I know, I know, I’ve heard this all before!” We won’t back down until all the #gutsygogetters we know have this figured out and have their messaging plastered across every social media platform and every piece of their real estate on the World Wide Web.

Who is your ideal client?

We spend so much time talking about this and making sure our clients are super specific with their ideal clients because business gets so much easier once you have this figured out! We are relentless for a reason. We are huge advocates for smarter work that makes our life easier. Can we all agree that’s what we’re going for here, on this entrepreneur adventure?! Knowing specifically who your ideal client is is the cornerstone for countless decisions you’ll have to make down the road.

Let me ask this: Do you want more clients? Do you want to take your business to the next level? Do you want people flocking to you? Do you want to be known in your industry as an expert? Do you want to have an endless supply of content to choose from for your social media posts and your newsletters? Do you want to know how to get in front of the right people with your Instagram and Facebook ads?


Rad. Keep reading!

A lot of people first come to us and say, “But, I’m nervous! What if I get so specific that I don’t reach anyone!” We understand your concern. But, after hashing all this out, those we’ve coached move forward with a very detailed picture in their mind of their ideal client, and lo and behold, their DREAM CLIENTS start blowing up their inboxes! Because, once they figure out who this person is, they start speaking their language and providing value intentionally and specifically for them (via social media, lead magnets, ads, newsletter content, etc.), potential ideal clients who were once just floating around, out in the world, see this and realize this person is an expert in this category! Then, they want more! Eventually, they want to hire this person!

The same can happen for you. Let’s get started.

Think about who you want to work with, in an ideal world. This is your time to dream. If you haven’t worked with someone like this yet, that’s okay. If you’ve worked with this person before, start pulling attributes and descriptors from those past clients. Keep in mind that you’re coming up with ONE single person!! Not a group of people. ONE person.

It allows you to speak directly to people that will really resonate with what you have to say and what you believe in and will repel those you don’t want to work with anyway!

How old is this person?
Is she/he in a relationship?
Does she/he have kids?
Where does she/he shop for clothes?
What kind of style does she/he have?
Where does she/he shop for groceries?
What does she/he do for fun?
What does she/he do for work?
What kind of colors does she/he like?
Is she/he outdoorsy or more urban?
Who does she/he follow onInstagram?

These are just some ideas to get your brain going in the right direction! Feel free to add more. For example, if you’re a florist and you LOVE working with clients having woodsy weddings, you could get more specific about the type of style of this person (bohemian, hippie, earthy, etc.) Again, all of these words and descriptions are going to help you speak your ideal client’s language in everything you do from here on out! So, take the time to list out adjectives for your ideal client!

Think of all these things as a way of narrowing your niche. It allows you to speak directly to people that will really resonate with what you have to say and what you believe in and will repel those you don’t want to work with anyway! We encourage you to only show (on your website, social media, etc.) the work you want to do more of. Everything you’re putting out in the world must be a representation of the kind of clients and work you desire more of.

Once you have all those things nailed down (and don’t worry, these can change slightly over time), make sure everyone who comes in contact with you knows these three things: 1. Who you are, 2. What you do, and 3. Who you do it for.

We like to think of it as an Instagram profile pitch. It shouldn’t be any longer than that bio in your Instagram account, but should effectively communicate those three things. Update your website and blog. Update your social media platforms. Update your email signature. Update it ALL.

Now, the last piece of the puzzle is the most important piece!! As you’re making marketing decisions, ask yourself this question: Would my ideal client find this valuable, inspiring, entertaining, motivating or educational? All of your marketing decisions just got a heck of a lot easier 😉

Do you see why knowing who your ideal client is is so crucial to taking your business to the next level?! Carve out the time to work on this. Do the work and you’ll reap the rewards, in abundance.

Comments 4

  1. Pingback: 7 reasons why you should start a newsletter & how to get people to see it | Idealust

  2. Pingback: Weekend Edit #4 | MyLilBlog

  3. Pingback: Weekend Edit #4 | MyLilBlog

  4. Pingback: How to prevent entrepreneur overwhelm | Idealust

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