Defending your dreams

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Being a creative entrepreneur does not mean you suck at life. It’s just the opposite, really. But your parents or some of your peers might not see it that way. They might think you have your head stuck in the clouds.

“I was convinced my mother-in-law thought I was eating Bon-Bons all day.”
When we started our photography business in early 2009, our office was in my in-laws’ garage. Spiders kept me company while the hubs held down another job. I was convinced my mother-in-law thought I was eating Bon-Bons all day. They didn’t quite understand what we wanted or why we were trying to build what we now have. They thought Jesse should pursue medicine or at least something where he would be taken care of by The Man. I was frustrated because what we wanted made so much sense to us. Why couldn’t they see it? It doesn’t matter. It didn’t matter. But I let it affect me. BIG mistake. I should have kept my eyes forward. Sometimes all people want is for you to be happy, they just want you to find happiness the same way they did.

Not everyone has the desire and sense of adventure in their blood that entrepreneurs do. Those people might not ever get it. Nine to fivers find great security and confidence in benefits and health insurance that is automatically taken from their paychecks. And that’s totally cool. We don’t need to knock them. We just can’t let them dampen our dreams or steer our self-worth.

The funny thing is, older generations should technically totally understand. Why wait for retirement? Let’s get this party started NOW. Yes, plan for retirement. But let’s live now AND live later. Let’s live our WHOLE damn life, shall we?!

“Keep those spiders at bay and go have a Bon-Bon. You deserve it.”
If you’re stuck in a crummy spot right now, trying to explain to your parents or anyone else that this is the right move for you, you are not alone. Hundreds and thousands of us have been there before. Don’t let it shake you. Keep those spiders at bay and go have a Bon-Bon. You deserve it.

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