Hey! Thanks for coming here!

We know it’s not always easy to ask for help, so we want to make it as easy as possible for you! So here’s a few guidelines you can use to help us answer your questions with the most helpful answers, and as fast as possible!

Here’s an example of a good question:
Here’s a screenshot of my ad… I’m not sure the copy is attention getting enough and isn’t drawing people in… Can you give me some feedback on that?

Here’s another example of a good question:
Here’s a link to my first email to my list. Am I explaining what they can expect well enough? What do you think I can do better there?

Here’s an example of a bad question:
Here’s the 5 ads I made… What are your thoughts?

Here’s another example of a bad question:
Here’s a link to my website… Do you think it’s good?

Use the form below to get the fastest response!
Please read the above instructions and be as specific as possible with your question (one at a time please!)